Category Archives: Collectors

New Print Available – Mount Blanca

“Dusting of Snow on Mount Blanca”
12″ x 14″ Giclee Print on Canvas, Stretched

Sides printed black and ready to hang.

I was recently contacted by a someone who grew up in the San Luis Valley but now lives in Utah. He misses the landscape of his home and nothing says SLV more than Mount Blanca. He found me and this painting in a Google search. This piece is in the permanent collection of Trinidad State Junior College – Alamosa Campus so I had this print made for him. Now it’s available to all.


History of Mount Blanca

(from Wikipedia)
Blanca Peak is known to the Navajo people as the Sacred Mountain of the East: Sisnaajiní[8] (or Tsisnaasjiní[9]), the Dawn or White Shell Mountain. The mountain is considered to be the eastern boundary of the Dinetah, the traditional Navajo homeland. It is associated with the color white, and is said to be covered in daylight and dawn and fastened to the ground with lightning. It is gendered male.[8]

Summitpost notes that “the first recorded ascent of Blanca by the Wheeler Survey was recorded on August 14, 1874, but to their surprise they found evidence of a stone structure possibly built by Ute Indians or wandering Spaniards.”[10]

Cover Art for Colorado Central Magazine

CCOctCover2015FINALColorado Central Magazine

About the painting:  This oil painting depicts fall cottonwoods on the historic Garcia Ranch. Reyes Garcia is now the steward of this ranch and allowed me to take a walk and paint this beautiful piece of property. As a retired professor of philosophy, environmental and indigenous studies, Reyes is deeply attuned to the legacy of his family’s land and the way of life it has provided for generations. With the Garcia family having originally settled in Conejos County in the 1850’s, he has a long history rooted in the special area between the Conejos and San Antonio Rivers in the southern part of the San Luis Valley.

Conserving the land and water is a way “to make my own small contribution to preserving the family legacy of ranching and the land-based culture of the ranchero tradition,” Garcia writes. “… I came to understand this tradition includes putting into practice ecological values by virtue of an instinctual love of the land that engenders good stewardship and a deep respect for all life forms, the seasonal rotation of livestock and their humane treatment, the acequia irrigation system especially, the transmission of skills which make self-reliance possible…”

in 2013, the Rio Grande Headwaters Land Trust worked with Reyes to complete a voluntary conservation easement on the spectacular Garcia Ranch, to insure that this working ranch will remain intact with its senior water rights in perpetuity. Learn more about RiGHT’s ongoing conservation work and the ranch at

Adams State University Acquires Rita Roberts Painting

Rita with Painting

“Stormy Skies Over Cut Wheat, San Luis Valley”

Adams State University in Alamosa, Colorado celebrated the grand re-opening of historic Richardson Hall, which was recently renovated through state capital construction funds.

This piece was acquired for the university’s permanent collection and displayed the main floor of Richardson Hall through the Colorado Art in Public Places Program. The program requires one-percent of capital construction funds for new or renovated state buildings be set aside for the acquisition of works of art at the project site.

About the painting…

A subtle grid pattern appears and disappears through layers of clouds above a harvested field in this landscape. It is indicative of the San Luis Valley’s agricultural heritage. The grid is integrated with the clouds as a statement of how closely related farms and crops are to the weather in this high elevation valley. The square format of the piece, plus the squares of the grid represent the patchwork of farmlands which cover the San Luis Valley like a quilt pattern, as seen from the sky.

Monte at Denver Art and Frame in Colorado Springs built and designed this custom frame specifically for this piece. He always does a wonderful job for me. Thank you, Monte!

Richardson Hall is the perfect place for this painting. I am honored to have my work in this beautiful, historic building. At 48″ x 48″ it is the largest piece I’ve ever painted so the fact that it’s in a public collection is a wonderful recognition. I hope all present and future students, faculty and staff as well as campus visitors find a place of contemplation and calm with this painting.

Indirect Inspiration

Collection of paintings small

Collection of Five

I loved the fact that you painted these pieces with a palate knife— so detailed and alive. I have the 5 paintings lined up across the room from where I often sit. I find that just looking at them is meditative and relaxing. I grew up in the Midwest where sky is a big part of your life. Your paintings make me miss the sky. So, I decided to do something about it. Last year I came across a landscape pastel artist who offered to teach me how to paint with pastels. I’ve been going to him for almost a year now. I’m slowly getting better and am learning so much about value patterns and color relationships. But the most important thing is that I’m simply falling in love with painting landscapes. The sky is now a part of my life and I find that I see things differently.

Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for your indirect inspiration. That little stop in the Alamosa gallery has helped shape me.

John Dupre, Organizational Consultant

Homer and Plum, Beloved Pets

Homer and Plum by Rita

Homer and Plum

Homer was my husband’s German Short hair and number one son of course they are gone now but we have these lovely paintings. Plum was my beloved greyhound… oh how I wish I could have had them all memorialized in this fashion. These painting hang in our bedroom so we can see them every night when we go to bed.

I love checking your website every now and then to see what new things you have created. I feel blessed to have met you at the beginning of your career… I even have one regret you had done a painting of a church in Mendocino and while I debated the amount of money and where I would put it… it was gone.

Taught me never again to hesitate on something that you love and moves you.

— Shannon Bushnell, purchased in Trinity County, California


Marilyn, Ron and Lucille Loser with their new purchase.

“We’d seen a few pieces of Rita’s work around the San Luis Valley and made it a point to attend her showing at the Del Norte Museum during the summer of 2009.”

“There were many pieces that caught our attention, but Ron chose “Introspection” for three reasons – the strong complementary colors, the composition’s nice flow that draws you into the picture, and the model’s pose — hiding her eyes behind her hands lends a sense of mystery to the piece.”

Ron and Marilyn Loser

Two Seascapes on the California Coast

“Salt Air, Van Damme State Park,”
“Windy Day at Agate Beach.”

When I purchased these paintings, I could place myself in each scene. Later I took some tours of Ireland with my friend, Mick Moloney, who is an Irish musician. I found in Ireland each of the places in your paintings.

“Windy day at Agate Beach” reminds me of the West Coast of Ireland around Fanore.

“Salt Air, Van Damme State Park” reminds me of Tory Island on the Northwestern Coast of Ireland and of places I saw in Scotland.

“River Reflections” (not pictured) I see each time I am at the edge of a river marveling at the water as it flows so easily over the rocks. Your paintings are all a meditation to me. I treasure them.