Homer and Plum, Beloved Pets

Homer and Plum by Rita

Homer and Plum

Homer was my husband’s German Short hair and number one son of course they are gone now but we have these lovely paintings. Plum was my beloved greyhound… oh how I wish I could have had them all memorialized in this fashion. These painting hang in our bedroom so we can see them every night when we go to bed.

I love checking your website every now and then to see what new things you have created. I feel blessed to have met you at the beginning of your career… I even have one regret you had done a painting of a church in Mendocino and while I debated the amount of money and where I would put it… it was gone.

Taught me never again to hesitate on something that you love and moves you.

— Shannon Bushnell, purchased in Trinity County, California